Tax Tip Tuesday: Charitable Donations
Don’t forget to file your returns and pay any tax due today! We also have another quick reminder. Spring often brings about spring...
Tax Tip Tuesday: Spring Cleaning
This week we wanted to give you a quick reminder. It's that time of year for spring cleaning and that often means donating non-cash...
Tax Tip Tuesday: Required Minimum Distributions
As the final quarter of the year approaches, older taxpayers need to keep a careful eye on their required minimum distributions (RMDs)...
Year-End Charitable Contributions
Since it is the time of year when people tend to make extra charitable contributions, we want to remind you of several important tax law...
Noncash Charitable Donations
By Linda Fatland — Ryun, Givens & Company Tax Supervisor Along with spring comes spring cleaning, which frequently means donating...
Plan for Next Years Tax Season Now
Today we will talk about a couple of tips to help plan for next year’s tax return. The first idea is to organize your records. Keep a...
Tax Benefits from Donating Stocks to a Charity
If you are planning to make a relatively substantial contribution to a charity, you should consider donating appreciated stock from your...
Deducting Charitable Donations
If you donate cash, checks, or other monetary gifts, regardless of the amount, you must have a bank record or written communication from...